Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Foot Print Introduction

This project was designed as a way for a teacher and his/her students to introduce themselves to one another. To begin the project, simply trace the outline of your foot on construction paper and cut it out. Next, to fill in the foot have students think about symbols or objects that are important to them or help tell about themselves. For example, the bookworm on my foot represents my love for reading. Some guidelines are to use at least three different medias. For example, my footprint is made out of construction paper, computer paper, crayons, marker, pen, glitter, and a skewer. Encourage the students to let their creativity go! 

Not only is this a great project for making introductions, but it could be used in other projects as well. I think that this would be a great way for students to start brainstorming ideas for a first drawing or how they would like to portray themselves in a self-portrait.

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