Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Van Gogh Inspired Landscape Collage

The inspiration for this collage came from Vincent Van Gogh's painting Starry Night.  We incorporated his swirling thick brush strokes by cutting and ripping tissue paper to cover our backgrounds.  I went with a warm color scheme, while others in the class chose a cool color scheme or a mix of both.  Once the tissue paper was glued down, we covered the entire background with modge podge to seal it and give it a nice sheen.  After that, we created our own landscape out of black construction paper that was placed on top.

I really like doing projects that involve collage!  To branch off of this project I would move into Henri Matisse inspired collages.  During the last part of his life Matisse created many cutouts inspired by plants, animals, figures, and shapes.  As a class we would look at his cutouts and create our own, focused on plants and animals.  Instead of painting with gouache like he did, we would use different colored pieces of scrapbook paper.  Then we would collage our cut outs together on a large piece of drawing paper.

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