Thursday, November 16, 2017

Kandinsky Fall Creations

This lesson was centered around the artist Wassily Kandinsky and specifically one of the pieces he created, called Concentric Circles.  Some concepts that were focused on in this lesson were organic vs. geometric shapes, warm vs. cool colors, color mixing, and applying paint.  We had to use two organic shapes (the leaves) and two geometric shapes.  We also had to make sure that we used as least three different warm colors and three different cool colors within our piece.  Once everyone was done, this turned into a collaborative piece by hanging them all together to create one large mural.

I think this lesson could be a great lead into creating mobiles with organic and/or geometric shapes, some fishing line, and wire.  I would have the students think about the shapes they used in their Kandinsky creations and have them cut out several different shapes.  Then they could paint both sides so that when they are attached to the wire and fishing line, they have color on both sides. 

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