Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Navajo Cactus Drawings

Above is a completed Navajo Cactus Drawing. 

Below is the bulletin board we created to display all of the completed drawings. 

The Navajo Cactus Drawing was the drawing lesson that I planned, along with my partner Breanna.  We designed this lesson to be used with 5th grade students.  It incorporates learning about the Navajo Native American culture, drawing, patterns, negative space, space, and painting using watercolors.  To make this drawing we drew at least three cacti in a pot of our design.  We created our own pattern which we colored and then filled in the negative space with black marker.  After the cacti and pot were drawn and outlined, we painted a sunset background and sandy ground.  It was such a great experience teaching this lesson and I can't wait to use it in an actual elementary classroom!

I would definitely extend this lesson to expand over a few class meetings.  By extending the lesson, it allows more time to learn about the Navajo culture, as well as really become familiar with all of the concepts needed to create the cacti.  I think this could be a great lesson to transition into still life drawings of some kind.

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